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Terms of Use


The laPizzaweek.com site is operated and hosted in Montreal, in the province of Quebec, Canada Peoples Mover Technologies Inc. (hereinafter, "Pizza Week"). If you are a visitor from abroad and you provide information about yourself, you agree that your personal information is transferred and hosted in Quebec and protected by the law in this province.

By accessing this website, the user agrees to be bound by all the terms hereof. Specifically, when the user sends us personal information about themselves, it is deemed to have consented to this data being used and disclosed for such purposes and by the means described herein. The following is the agreement between Pizza Week and the user of this website regarding the terms and conditions of use. The agreement, for an indefinite period, shall take effect at the time of entry of the user on the site (the "Agreement").

If you refuse to accept the conditions set forth herein, you must immediately stop accessing this website, to view the contents, and request the services or products that are presented and it is available by transmitting personal information required.

The agreement between the parties can only be changed by Pizza Week, in its sole discretion, upon reasonable notice by posting changes on the website of Pizza Week.


This website is the official website of Pizza Week. No other website claiming to represent Pizza Week is authorized and Pizza Week will not be liable in any manner whatsoever of such sites. The information contained in this website is provided for informational purposes only. For more information about the products offered on this site, please contact directly with Pizza Week.

Pizza Week makes no warranty as to the longevity of the site and reserves the right to terminate at any time in its sole discretion and without notice. Pizza Week can not be held responsible for any loss or inconvenience suffered by the termination of this site. Pizza Week reserves the right to deny access to this website to any user without notice and without providing any reason. Pizza Week can even control the use of this site. This website is available "as is" and can not be changed by the user.


The present section applies uniquely to restaurants participating at the event organized by Pizza Week (the "Restaurant"), notwithstanding anything to the contrary.

The Restaurant, when registering and at other times where divulgations are made to Pizza Week, will have to share information, contact information as well as those of its contact-person with Pizza Week. The Restaurant consents by the present that Pizza Week may use this information for publicity as well as for the benefit of its partners and/or sponsors, who may thus contact the Restaurant to share promotions.

At the Restaurant’s request, Pizza Week will remove the Restaurant’s information out of its database, and if requested, from its partners/sponsors’ database.


This Web Site and any content that is protected by copyright. No user of this site may not, without the written consent of Pizza Week, reproduce, copy, publish, transmit, communicate or use in any manner the material, information or trademarks contained in this site.

Retransmission, copying, use, reproduction, distribution or publication of the content whether a photograph, audio or video documents, in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written permission of Pizza Week otherwise the user could be exposed to legal proceedings.

The names of companies, products, services and logos contained in laPizzaweek.com may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and are protected accordingly. It is forbidden to use any trademark displayed on this website without the prior written permission of Pizza Week or copyright holder of the trademark.


In order to provide users of this site the largest possible range of information, Pizza Week must appeal to others. Pizza Week assumes no liability and makes no warranties to the user about the current character or the accuracy of information from third parties. To create a user account to participate in Pizza Week, to buy a service or product, it is possible for the user to connect through a third party site, including some social media sites such as, but not limited to, Facebook and Twitter. The conditions of use of these sites are required to be known by the user.

Furthermore, the possible visit to any site from the site of Pizza Week does not constitute an endorsement by Pizza Week content of that other site. Pizza Week disclaims any liability with respect to these other sites and the information contained therein.

The user can know if it is still available on the website of Pizza Week by checking the url address at the top of the screen.

Privacy policy


This privacy policy applies to all Pizza Week activities relating to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information through websites operated by Pizza Week and the products and services offered by Pizza Week.

In this privacy policy, "personal information" means any information about an identified individual, as defined under applicable Canadian and Quebec laws.


Pizza Week collects personal data of customers and other users (an "individual") when an individual buys or wins a contest related to products or services, subscribes to websites Pizza Week and shares data on those and it can sometimes collect additional personal information in the granting of such products or services. Pizza Week collects personal information about a user's online services site laPizzaweek.com that only on a voluntary basis.

Pizza Week uses the information collected in order to provide you with services, products or information you have requested and as required or permitted by applicable law.

Pizza Week may, depending on the services for which an individual is registered and terms of confidentiality contained, use the information collected to provide newsletters or provide opinions on products and services.

Except as provided in this Agreement or as otherwise agreed by an individual, Pizza Week disclose any personal information collected to third parties in order to promote the products or services of third parties.

Pizza Week may use customer information for other purposes that are identified during the data collection or prior to data collection. Pizza Week retains personal information long enough for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy or as required or permitted by law.


Pizza Week may disclose personal information as follows:

  • In the third-party Internet service providers or agents who provide services to the account of Pizza Week, which are obliged to keep confidential and to ensure the security and privacy are limited in the use of such information, unless have obtained prior permission from Pizza Week or use within the limits of what is permitted by law.

  • In the agencies implementing the law on prevention, in the case of investigations of fraud or other criminal offenses, or when investigating suspected fraudulent activity or damage to individuals or property, to establish or exercise its legal rights or defend legal claims, or treat an emergency that requires the use or disclosure.

  • - In the legal, financial, insurance agents and other consultants or advisors with respect to the sale, reorganization, or management of the whole or part of its business or operations, and once the individual has consented including for purposes other than those specified in this Agreement, provided that it is identified in the collection of personal information.

Except for the purposes for which such information was collected, Pizza Week does not use or disclose personal information without the consent of the individual or as required or permitted by law. Consent may be expressed or implied, written with or without the use of a check box, electronically, orally, or by the fact that the individual uses the services or products.


To participate in certain activities of Pizza Week, the user provides some information that entitle them to a user account. This user account is used to identify a single user, particularly in relation to its participation in the contest Pizza Week on laPizzaweek.com.

laPizzaweek.com allows users to create a user account and use it to vote for their favorite Pizzas.

The online user account and its failure is the sole discretion of Pizza Week. If, for example, a user uses the voting system to compete unduly, the user account will be deleted unilaterally and / or blocked site laPizzaweek.com and votes, canceled at the sole discretion of Pizza Week.

The use of a good faith implementation of laPizzaweek.com system is required.


Pizza Week uses the IP address of a person in order to identify the address, gather demographic information about site users, diagnose problems with the electronic systems of Pizza Week and manage websites.


Pizza Week uses cookie technology (cookies) to help users to navigate faster on the laPizzaweek.com site. When you register on our site, we download a cookie on your computer. A cookie is a string of information that is sent by a website and stored on the hard drive or temporarily in your computer's memory. This technology allows faster navigation and a generally more positive experience in finding information you want. You can disable cookies by disabling this feature in your browser.


Pizza Week may engage third parties as Internet service providers to provide hosting services, storage and data retention. Pizza Week and as a provider of third party internet services may be used for such purposes servers located in Canada or any other country. The personal information of an individual can be processed and stored in Canada or a foreign country, and the government, courts, tribunals or agencies of law enforcement in this country may obtain disclosure of personal information through the laws of such foreign country.

Pizza Week may engage third parties as internet service providers to provide hosting services, storage and data retention. Pizza Week and as a provider of third party internet services may be used for such purposes servers located in Canada or any other country. The personal information of an individual can be processed and stored in Canada or a foreign country, and the government, courts, tribunals or agencies of law enforcement in this country may obtain disclosure of personal information through the laws of such foreign country.


As provided in this Agreement, individuals have the option (i) to refuse communications from Pizza Week, (ii) remove their personal information records of Pizza Week, or (iii) not to receive Services Pizza Week. If an individual does not wish to receive further communications, it is requested to contact us by referring to the contact information below.


An individual can contact Pizza Week to change or correct their personal information under the control of Pizza Week, referring to the contact information below.


If you have any questions about this privacy policy, on how to collect personal information on the use and retention of personal information, please contact our customer service:

  • Email: info@LaPizzaweek.com

  • Mailing Address:
    People Mover Technologies Inc.
    204  Notre-Dame West, Suite 350
    Montreal (Quebec)
    H2Y 1T3


Although Pizza Week strives to maintain the most accurate information contained in this website, errors or omissions may occur.

Pizza Week, its officers, directors, employees or agents make no representation or warranty to the user as to the reliability of the information on this site and assume no responsibility for any loss or damage that may be suffered by the user information contained in this site. Therefore, the user of this website understands and acknowledges that he must verify any information before basing any decisions on it.

In addition, nothing on this site should not be construed to be a representation, warranty or council tax or accounting legal, nor in terms of investment.

The products advertised on this site may not be available in your area and Pizza Week makes no representations about the availability of products offered on this site. Generally, the only eligible to obtain products or services users are located in the greater Montreal area, unless otherwise indicated.

The user who browses this site does so at his own risk and agrees not to claim otherwise. The user shall indemnify Pizza Week from any liability arising out of any problem or damage whatsoever that the user may incur when using this site, including but not limited to the presence of virus or any other destructive element although Pizza Week was or could have been aware of this possibility.


This agreement and this website are governed by the laws of Quebec. Any dispute will be submitted to the competent courts of the Province of Quebec, District of Montreal.

Invalidation of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity of all other provisions. The provision or provisions shall be severable from the entire agreement without affecting the content. The non-exercise by Pizza Week of its rights shall in no way constitute a waiver for the future of this law or any provision of this Agreement.


Pizza Week, its officers, directors, employees and agents shall in no case be prosecuted in connection with the use of this site and no compensation will never be granted to the user navigating the site because of its own choice. In addition, the user agrees to indemnify Pizza Week, the officers, directors or employees for any misuse of this site or its share of any contravention of these rules and guidelines. If a user experiences any harm or disagrees in any way with the practices, policies or regulations of use issued by Pizza Week, the user always has the option of leaving the site.


The user browsing the website of Pizza Week is presumed to have read the terms and conditions related to the use of this site and agree on the scope. For this purpose, the user assumes all liability in connection with navigation and expressly disclaims any liability Pizza Week in this regard.

The use of the masculine in this website is only for the sole purpose of brevity and includes the feminine.